The SIlver Package
Sample Paths to choose from:
Session #
For each Path
The Explorer:
The Seeker:
The Pro:
Finding jobs you want
Salary negotiation
Starting conversations with decision-makers
Identifying jobs you want, and networking
Accepting and giving notice
Finding jobs that meet your needs
Making an impact in your first 3 months
The Explorer:
First Session:
Your needs, desires, values
Second Session:
Finding jobs that meet your needs
Third Session:
Finding jobs that meet your needs
The Seeker:
First Session:
Finding jobs you want
Second Session:
Resumes, cover letters, applications
Third Session:
The Pro:
First Session:
Salary negotiation
Second Session:
Accepting and giving notice
Third Session:
Making an impact in your first 3 months
Total Cost:
** Career assessments (Myers-Briggs, Strong Interest Inventory) available for an extra $20 each. Interpretation will cover one session.**
Gold package
The Gold Package is a serious upgrade to the Silver Package:
Choose a focus path from above
Choose 2 add-on topics from the other focus paths
A resume review
30-minute practice interview
Our Programs
Platinum Package
- 3 months of support, with weekly calls, including but not limited to the above topics
- Free access to the online job support group
- 3 resume reviews and practice interviews
- Free career assessments (Myers-Briggs, Strong Interest Inventory)
- Career tip emails
- Limited text and phone support between sessions
- 8 sessions for $1,216
Career Acceleration
Available only to grads of the Platinum package
- 3 additional months of support, with individual sessions every other week
- Targeted coaching on job-search strategies
- 2 additional resume or cover letter reviews
- Troubleshooting your job search
- Identifying and developing mentors in your professional network
- Dealing with on-the-job stress
- Optimizing performance & accepting feedback in your 1st 90 days in a new job
- Aligning to company culture (communication style, requests, feedback)
- Pro networking & impression management